martes, febrero 28, 2012

Otras fotos de Calcuta

Una noche cuando volvía del cine, pasé por mi callejón favorito y no pude resistirme a sacarle una foto.

Un rickshaw esperando hacer su último servicio del día

Pintadas en la escalera de la Universidad de Jadavpur

Los cuervos no son tontos, y como las gaviotas en Galicia, se aprovechan de cualquier cosita que deja la gente sin comer en la calle.

Un "roll", la comida rápida típica de Calcuta: un pan (paratha) frito al que se le pone cebolla, y o bien verduras o bien paneer, pollo o pescado, o una tortilla francesa, chilis y lima, y se enrolla para comer como una fajita mejicana, casi casi.

2 comentarios:

David dijo...

Every time you write about food, I'm jealous! (And that includes zarusoba, of course). The eggs you talked about a few posts ago, and now this amazing-looking wrap thing, makes me very sad I live somewhere where food is not appreciated and simply cooked to be edible, not enjoyed. It's sad that the food culture here is so flat, but I'm doing what I can to change that, at least among my friends.

The street looks so charming, as well as the wall-art! I haven't seen anything quite like that here, but that might be because most my buildings have cheap walls made from mud-concrete mixtures and need to be rebuilt every five years. Maybe in Ouaga, but not in village.

And we don't have crows here, that I've seen anyway, but definitely vultures, that help themselves to leftover food, dead animals, dying animals, anything really. They're such ugly birds! But they make me laugh, because I always think of cartoons about the 'Wild West' that I watched as a kid.

Great photos!

Indispania dijo...

Indian food is delicious, what I can say! I put on weight inmediately after coming to this country. Food is a very much important thing here, as much as in Spain, both countries are full with foody people who loves to enjoy a nice and tasty meal. And here, everything is so full of flavor! So many more posts on food are to come. I should write one about bengali food.

When I saw crows here, it reminded me of Japan, which was also crow-ded (bad joke...) I guess they are all over Asia. I haven't seen other birds here (in the cities at least)

Hey, I want a pic of vultures in your blog...

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