jueves, marzo 08, 2012

De nuevo, Holi

El festival de los colores, Holi, ha vuelto. El año pasado lo viví en Bangalore y llevo dos días disfrutando del ambiente festivo en Kolkata. En el norte es un festival mucho más importante que en el sur, donde apenas se juega, pero como mis amigos eran del norte, no parecía estar en Karnataka.

Ayer jugué con mis alumnos y con otros estudiantes de la universidad, y con Clo, y hoy que es día propio de los colores, voy a aventurarme por la ciudad con la cámara de fotos.

Que Holi vuelva significa que ya llevo más de un año en India, ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! Y aunque este año pueda ser divertido también, Bangalore tuvo algo especial. ¡No se puede comparar!

2 comentarios:

David dijo...

I'm looking forward to your photos! I have heard about Holi a little bit, though admittedly most of what I know is from a silly TV show ("Outsourced") that started a couple years ago. Is it true that people will throw colored things (chalk or paint or whatever) at passersby? And how did this festival start? I agree that colors should be celebrated, especially now that I live somewhere that is brown and boring for nine months of the year. But I'm very curious how this tradition started.

A year is a big anniversary, congratulations! Time really does fly, I myself can't believe how long I've been in BF already. I still have a lot of time left, but somehow it feels like the end of the adventure will come before I know it. And then I will have to choose another... :)

Indispania dijo...

That "Outsourced" series looks silly but it's actually very much accurate...I haven't seen the whole series but all I saw, apart from hilarous, is not that much an exaggeration as it may seem at first. Believe me.

Abotu Holi, I don't know why the colours, I'll ask. But this festival appears already in the old writings of hindu religion, it's supposed that Krishna played colours when he was a kid with his girlfriend, Radha. At least that's what I've heard. It's a crazy time here, like a carnival, people are just enjoying like anything on the street and they look free as ever. Also, because there is a drink called "bhang" that makes you feel free as a bird...haha. You can look it up in Google.

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